Showing posts with label 7. Show all posts

7 Strangest Historical Mysteries that Will Baffle You

From giant unexplained explosions to monuments 10,000-20,000 years old to the idea that Christopher Columbus may never have even existed, th...

7 Biggest Underwater Mysteries We Still Don't Understand

From an underwater stonehenge to a picture of a mastadon on a rock to magnetic anomolies in a strange lake, these are the 7 biggest underwat...

The 7 Ways to Time Travel

Yes, time travel is possible. One of man's most fascinating and controversial fantasies is more than just science fiction: it's real...

7 Biggest Mysteries of Ancient Egypt that We Can't Figure Out

From strange heat scans of the pyramids to a 4th pyramid to...what did the ancient Egyptians even look like?... and check this out. THIS WEB...

7 Mysterious Underwater Cities

From mysterious building found at the bottom of a lake left for centuries to cities which were only previously thought to exist in the realm...

7 Mysterious Objects We Still Don't Understand

From strange dodechahedrons to ancient machinery to pipes that just...should not be there...these are the 7 Most Mysterious and Ancient Obje...

7 Horrifying Ways Doctors Used To Treat COMMON Medical Issues

Historical medicine is often incorrect and quite gruesome. Here are some of the ways doctors used to treat these basic ailments. and check t...

7 Mysterious Secrets Hidden in Famous Works of Art

Here are some amazing mysterious secrets found within famous art works. and check this out...

7 Mysterious and Unexplained Deaths

7 Mysterious and Unexplained Deaths, featuring a deadly alien encounter, Spontaneous human combustion, the mysterious death of Elisa Lam , a...

7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

From strange looking hairy dolphins to Loch Ness Monster type creatures, here are seven of the most strange unidentified creatures caught on...

Top 7 Real Mermaid Sightings From Around the World

There is a fascination about mermaids, but if they do exist, its doubtful mermaids look like what Disney portrays them to be. Here are the 7...

7 Truly Terrifying Monsters From the U.S.

No matter where in the world you look, monster myths are a staple of human culture. Name a jungle dense enough, a desert remote enough, a mo...