Showing posts with label Enfield Haunting. Show all posts

Top 15 UNSOLVED Paranormal Mysteries

Top15s takes a look at the top fifteen unsolved paranormal mysteries. What do you think? and check this out...

The Enfield Haunting - Commentary

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown makes an examination into the truth or fiction of the famous haunting in Enfield England in 1977. Was it really...

Was The Enfield Haunting A Hoax?

In this episode Chris and Richard look at the Enfield Haunting. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED. and check out this episode...

The Enfield Haunting: The Real Story Of the Enfield Poltergeist

Here is a look at one of histories most famous poltergeist cases The Enfield Poltergeist. Occurring in the late 1970s, it was one of the mos...

5 Terrifying Cases Of Poltergeist Activity

From the creepy case of Esther Cox, where an evil poltergeist caused nothing but trouble in her home to probably the most famous case of pol...