Showing posts with label Loch Ness Monster. Show all posts

Loch Ness Monster - Like Creature Unearthed In Alaska

The Fortean Slip Science Minute 73 Researchers in Alaska have uncovered a Loch Ness Monster-like creature on the side of a cliff.

Top 10 Mythological Creatures Yet To Be Proven

Today, we're going to look at cryptids, more specifically, legendary creatures that are rumored or suspected to exist but for which conc...

The Loch Ness Monster: The Latest Evidence

With thousands of eyewitness accounts of The Loch Ness Monster, what are people really seeing? Is it tricks of light and water? Or are they ...

Sea Monsters and Great White Shark Sightings In Maine

The Fortean Slip 79 The Smoke And Mirrors On The Water Episode. This week Chris and Steve talk about sea monster sightings off the coast of ...

Monsters Of The Deep

From Loch Ness to the west coast of Canada, people are reporting sightings of creatures they can�t explain. Are they seeing something real?

Loch Ness Monster Sighting Mr. And Mrs. George Spicer

The classic Loch Ness Monster sighting account of Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer on July 22nd 1933.

7 Truly Terrifying Monsters From the U.S.

No matter where in the world you look, monster myths are a staple of human culture. Name a jungle dense enough, a desert remote enough, a mo...

UFOs Over Loch Ness, The Turner Maine Beast And A Bigfoot Movie In PA

The Fortean Slip 78 The I Came Unprepared For Class Episode. This week Chris and Steve go free form. They also talk about ufos over Loch Nes...

Could this new footage captured by a tourist be Nessie? (video)

THOUSANDS of tourists flock to Loch Ness every year hoping to see the elusive monster - or even better - get a photograph of it. So when ...

Fortean Slip Pile Of Cryptids - Timelapse Art

Here it is finally the time lapse of Dred Funn's artwork for the youtube channel.

Top 10 Mythical Things That May Have Existed

From Amazons to mythical dragons, this top 10 video will take a look at 10 mythical things that at first were thought to be figments of our ...

Cryptozoology Research, Cashing In On Bigfoot And Johnny Depp's Chupacabra Attack

The Fortean Slip 72 The Joan Get Me A Snapple Episode. This week Chris and Steve look at cryptozoology research in general. They also look a...

Mystery object captured on Loch Ness cruise boat scanner

A STARTLING image from the depths of Loch Ness has been captured on sonar from a cruise vessel. And it is set to spark further speculation ...