Showing posts with label Mysteries. Show all posts

Loch Ness Monster Sighting Mr. And Mrs. George Spicer

The classic Loch Ness Monster sighting account of Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer on July 22nd 1933.

4 Unexplained UFO Sightings

What really landed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania? What did they see on Japan Airlines Flight 1628? Here are four unexplained UFO sightings.

Time Traveler John Titor's Original Call In To Art Bell

This is the audio from the Art Bell show supposedly of John Titor, a time traveler from the year 2037, calling in. This is from 1997 long be...

The Shag Harbour Incident: Alien Sighting?

The Shag Harbour Incident a little-known but very real UFO sighting investigated by the Canadian government.

Oliver Williams - The John Titor Time Travel Story

Here is an interview with Oliver Williams on The Moore Show talking about the story of John Titor. Was John Titor a real time traveler or ju...

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Colony At Roanoke

The first American conspiracy was the first colony, the lost colony, from England whom settled in Roanoke. The very first colony of England ...

7 Major Scientific Discoveries Made in Dreams

Inventors and artists will often say that they are not sure where their ideas come from. Some will even say that its like someone is working...

Ancient Aliens, Roswell Slides Released And Tombstone Paranormal Hoax

The Fortean Slip 75 The It Has To Be Ancient Aliens Episode. This week Chris and Steve look at Ancient Aliens the TV show and the genre in g...

5 Extremely Creepy & Haunted Forests

There is something very sinister about a forest, especially on a cold dark night, and there aren't many places that set the atmosphere l...

Bigfoot Urinates On Campers In Roanoke Virginia

Here is a sighting account from the files of the BFRO of a bigfoot that got too close for comfort with some campers in Virginia.

Michigan Dogman Sightings And History

The Fortean Slip Rewind..... The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 43 Today Chris and Fred look at the Michigan Dogman sightings and history. This web...

5 Most Convincing Alien Abduction Stories

Have extra-terrestrials visited our planet? These terrifying real-life abduction stories seem to suggest that not only have they visited, th...

World's 10 Strangest Out Of Place Artifacts

From the Maine Penny to the Antikythera Mechanism here are ten out of place artifacts.

Alien and UFO Government Cover Ups

The Fortean Slip Rewind..... The Fortean Slip 54 Now That I Have My Cover Ups I'm A Big Boy Episode. In the wake of Boyd Bushman's d...

5 Creepy Folklores From Around The World

Who doesn't like to hear a story from history passed down from generation to generation? From the Slit Mouth Woman to the Tiyanak here a...

10 Reasons We Still Haven't Met Aliens

Even though sighting reports are made all over of UFO's, and people claim to be abducted by aliens the world over, why is it that we as ...

One Man's Encounter With Indrid Cold

Often associated with the events that surround the Mothman stories, here is one man's account of his meeting with Indrid Cold.

The Birth Of The 13th Leeds Child, The Jersey Devil

The shocking story of the legend of the birth of the 13th Leeds child, The Jersey Devil.

7 Legendary Lost Worlds Shrouded in Mystery

Did a whole civilization disappear in one day? Is there a place on earth where everything is covered in gold? Here are 7 legendary lost worl...

Shocking Dogman Encounter Big Rapids, Michigan 1961

The story of a night watchman's encounter with the dogman in Big Rapids, Michigan 1961.