Showing posts with label Podcast. Show all posts

Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Footage Conspiracies

The Fortean Slip Episode 127 This week Chris and the fellas talk about the famed Patterson Gimlin footage. They also discuss sex crazed spid...

The Reptilian Agenda Behind The Bermuda Triangle

The Fortean Slip Episode 128 This week Chris and the fellas square off on The Bermuda Triangle. They also discuss a noted Bigfoot researcher...

Time Travel Device Covered Up By The CIA

This week Chris and the fellas look at all things time travel. Richard tries to convince Chris and Steve that the CIA has a time travel devi...

Bigfoot Caught On Tape In Desert

The Fortean Slip Episode 125 This week Chris and the fellas look back on the last 3 years of the show. They also check out a Bigfoot spotted...

Utah Sasquatch Footage Examined

The Fortean Slip looks at the claims of Bigfoot researcher Utah Sasquatch. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED. and check this out...

Antikythera, Fortfest Weirdness, And More

'Where Did The Road Go' talks about some of the weirdness that surrounded their Fortfest appearance, the latest news on the antikyth...

Has Atlantis Already Been Found?

This week Chris and the fellas talk about lost cities and the history of man. They also discuss CCTV footage of a ghost, aliens having acces...

Bigfoot Research And Hoaxes

The Fortean Slip Episode 124 Chris and Steve are once again joined by Matt Knapp as they discuss Bigfoot research and hoaxes. They also disc...

Bigfoot Kidnappings

Matt and Coonbo of Bigfoot Outlaw Radio talk bigfoot stories involving the disappearances and strange deaths of humans that are attributed t...

Fairy Photographs And Their Authenticity

This week Chris and the fellas start the show off discussing the controversy surrounding the shootings and protests in America and delve int...

Bigfoot Killings In New Mexico

In this special edition of Bigfoot Outlaw Radio, the fellas are joined by their good friend Brenda Harris. Brenda joins them to discuss some...

Image Of Bigfoot Captured On Film

This week Chris and the fellas talk about the Robert Dodson Bigfoot footage and how the Illuminati failed to keep the UK part of The EU. The...

Alien Moon Bases And Ancient Alien Theories

After a stint of talking Bigfoot hoaxes, Chris and the fellas talk about Aliens on the moon, Ancient Aliens and the like. They also discuss ...

High Strangeness with Jeff Ritzmann

Jeff Ritzmann talks about his weird experiences. These have happened to him throughout his life, and he gets into the strange details. This ...

Utah Sasquatch Plans Revealed

This week Chris and the fellas respond to criticisms of the previous episode and Utah Sasquatch revealing his plans. They also discuss men i...

Dogman Grabs Cooler Off Of Moving ATV - Real Encounter

This week Chris and Steve are joined once again by Matt Knapp to talk all things dogman. Matt relays a sighting report of a dogman grabbing ...

8 Year Old Boy Remembers Past Life As A Fighter Pilot

The Fortean Slip British Invasion 9 In this episode Chris and Richard talk about reincarnation and remembering past lives. THIS WEBCAST IS U...

Banshees, Werewolves, Faeries - Coast To Coast

In the second half, author and curator Varla Ventura spoke about the folklore of banshees, werewolves, faeries, and other creatures of the n...

Owls, UFOs And Sychronicity

Mike Clelland joins "Where Did The Road Go?" to finally talk about his book, The Messengers; Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abdu...

Bigfoot Research With Rick Dyer And Tim Fasano

This week Chris and Steve are joined by Richard Allen as they discuss Bigfoot research and the Bigfoot research community. They also discuss...