Showing posts with label Ship. Show all posts

Bermuda Triangle: Ship Reappears After Missing For 90 Years?

Did this ship just reappear after 90 years missing? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this news story and gives us the straight t...

Paranormal Ship Mystery

What would cause an entire ship�s crew to be found lying dead face up, mouths open, facing the sky? The mystery crew of the S S Orang Medan ...

Stunning Off-World Alien Ship (Commentary)

This is a commentary on the butterfly alien ship supposedly recorded by a Father and Son. It's not a breakdown. It's a commentary......

"Ghost Ship" photographed off of Guernsey Island UK

IS THIS the ghost of the famous Elizabethan ship that floundered off Alderney in 1592? Alderney holidaymaker Bill Cook photographed the spe...