Showing posts with label Time Travel. Show all posts

The 10 Most MIND-TWISTING Paradoxes of All Time!

From the Ship of Theseus Paradox to the Omnipotence Paradox, here is a look at ten of the most mind twisting paradoxes of all time. and chec...

Time Traveler's Message For The Future - FSR

The Fortean Slip Rewind - In this episode Chris and Steve talk about new theories about the identity of John Titor a supposed Time Traveler ...

New John Titor Theories

This week Chris and Steve talk about new theories about the identity of John Titor a supposed Time Traveler from the year 2036. They also di...

Time Travel: The Story of John Titor | Digging Deeper

John Titor. Who was (or is) he? Did he really travel through time? Some people believe his story, while others are convinced that it's n...

Time Travel - The Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Time travel is an ancient concept (it even occurs in the Hindu epic The Mahabharata) but could it really happen? Could a person physically t...

Time Travel Is Real, Watch This

A selection of clips from old films with people with cell phones to celebrity time travelers. You be the judge. and check this out... THIS W...

10 Real Incidents That Prove Time Travelers Exist

We are all fascinated by the idea of time travel, but what if its already happened? Check out ten incidents that prove time travelers exist....

Who Was The Man From Taured?

Who was the man from Taured, and was he really from an alternate reality? The Fortean Slip looks at this mysterious man who vanished without...

10 Theories That Will Make You Lose Your Mind

From future events having an effect on the present to dark matter creating alternate universes, here is a look at ten theories that will mak...

Parallel Universe? Creepy Stories Of Interdimensional Travel

Do parallel universes exist? Check out these creepy stories of interdimensional travel. and check this show out on the Mandela Effect. THIS ...

7 Mind Bending TRUE Time Travel/Glitch in the Matrix Stories

Is reality what it seems to be? Are we even real? Are there multiple versions of us across infinite time lines? These questions are becoming...

Unexplained Time Traveller Seen at Mike Tyson Fight?

1995 fight between Mike Tyson and Peter McNeeley in Las Vegas. Someone in the crowd is seen taking a picture from what appears to a smart ph...

Does This Ancient Greek Sculpture Depict A Laptop In Use?

This statue, �Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant', is the subject of internet buzz. Does this statue show a laptop in...

Andrew Carlssin, The Man From The Year 2256?

In 2003 Federal investigators arrested a Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges � and incredibly, he claimed to be a time-traveler from ...

Top 5 REAL Time Travelers

From our personal favorite John Titor to Alfred Bielek here is a look at the top five real time travelers. and check out our show from this ...

The Girl From The Future?

According to the legend, this woman time traveled to the year 1898 and claimed to be from the year 2025, but was she really a time traveler?...

John Titor Comes Back In Time To Fix The Past

The holidays may be over but John Titor has a special holiday message for everyone. and check out his follow up message...

Did This Man Time Travel?

Although widely thought now to be based on a story published in 1972 by science fiction writer Jack Finney called, I'm Scared, the stran...

Time Travel, John Titor And The Man From Taured

Time travel and time travel stories have been a staple of fictional stories for ages now. We are captivated with the idea that we can someho...

Top 10 Things We Wish Science Would Figure Out

There are some really clever people on this planet� But no one quite clever enough to fathom the following� Yet! and check this out...THIS W...