Showing posts with label UFO. Show all posts

7 Officials Who Admitted Aliens Exist

A few government officials have actually already admitted that aliens not only exist, but are among us� What do you think? and check this ou...

5 Mysterious & Chilling Deaths Following Alien Abductions

Top 5 Unknowns takes a look at five mysterious and chilling deaths following alien abductions. What do you think? and check this out. THIS W...

Government Cover Ups

This week Chris and Steve talk about conspiracies and government cover ups. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED. and check out our last show...

Strange Creepy UFO Encounters

Beyond Creepy looks at three cases of alien encounters. In the first one, a man from California claims he was nearly sucked up into a UFO ov...

5 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained

These unsolved mysteries have puzzled people for many years. The world is very big and it's no secret that it's full of mysteries, s...

UFO Seen By Military Base - Breakdown

This is an image of a supposed UFO taken near a military base. Could it be the real deal? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this ...

5 Deadly UFO Attacks on Earth

5 close encounters of the killer kind... Dark5 presents 5 deadly UFO attacks and abductions that shocked planet Earth and point to a frighte...

Alien Was Captured In Russia - 2016 - Breakdown

Phil Poling takes a look at this video of a supposed Alien captured by Russians and gives us his thoughts. What do you think?? and check thi...

What's In The Sky? UFO Spotted In Toronto - Breakdown

Strange lights are seen over Toronto Canada. Two young men pull their car over to record the incredible event. Phil Poling of Pararbreakdown...

Ghost Hunter Captures Terrifying Footage Of Dead Girl

The Fortean Slip Episode 131 This week Chris and the fellas go free form after discussing how Richard's ceremony on Halloween went. They...

Bigfoot Habituation With Rick Dyer And Stacy Brown

The Fortean Slip Episode 134 This week Chris is joined by Steve and Richard to talk about the Rick Dyer and Stacy Brown Bigfoot Habituation ...

The Madera Man and More Weird Encounters

Beyond Creepy looks at four cases including a strange hoody wearing entity in Madera, California; a weird missing time incident from Ridgecr...

UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

The Fortean Slip Episode 133 This week Chris and Richard talk about the recent images and mass sightings of UFOs in the skies above Turkey. ...

Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Clinton Email Conspiracies And UFO Connection

The Fortean Slip 130 This week Chris and the fellas talk about Halloween ceremonies and then the topics run amok. They also talk about a Big...

The "Bermuda Triangle" has not been solved,.according to this "poorly edited" scientist

A Science Channel show is making waves about the Bermuda Triangle this week. It appears to have claimed that the �mystery� of the region i...

The Fire Phantoms

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases involving fiery entities both from the late 1800s - The Fiery Spook of Burbank and the Fiery Phantom of Dia...

The Mysterious Stardust Ranch | Aliens, UFOs & Paranormal Activity | Documentary

This video explores the strange stories and encounters John Edmonds has shared over the years, involving his battle with extraterrestrials a...

Mysterious Giant Swastika Crop Circle Appears in British Countryside

A massive crop circle appeared in a field in England and it's a swastika. What do you think? and check out our show from this week. THIS...

The Reptilian Agenda Behind The Bermuda Triangle

The Fortean Slip Episode 128 This week Chris and the fellas square off on The Bermuda Triangle. They also discuss a noted Bigfoot researcher...

Underwater Abominable Snowman / The Edwards Incident

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases. In the first, a diver claims to have had an encounter with an underwater creature in the 1960s. In the sec...