CCTV footage: Angry ghost pushes over stack of boxes (video)

This is the spooky moment CCTV footage captures what appears to be a ghost pushing over a stack of boxes in an indoor market.

Traders were shocked to find the boxes strewn over the floor when they arrived for work at Wellington Indoor Market in Telford, Shrops.

But their shock turned to terror when they played back the CCTV footage - and caught the apparent culprit.

The video shows what appears to be a shadowy figure climbing the stairs of the market before pushing over the boxes.

Market manager Kay Boakye said: "We came into the market in the morning and the boxes were all over the place, on the floor and over the stairs.

"We thought there had been an intruder so we obviously went straight to the CCTV.

"We couldn�t believe what we saw. All the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.

"There was nobody there when the boxes fell off. We watched it again and we could see the shadow walking up the stairs then chucking the boxes over."

The market, which dates back to 1244, is held inside a Victorian building - and is no stranger to spooky goings on.

Kay added: "Sometimes there are strange things that go on when people are alone, some people say they have seen a shadow go past them.

"Once there were two people alone in the market, they were talking when they heard coughing coming from the other side of the building.

"They thought there must be someone else there but when they looked around it was totally empty.
"We also have times where the hand-dryer starts on its own or doors slam."

PJ Godsell, from investigators Mercia Paranormal, said: �The video is quite interesting.
"We don�t often see a lot of CCTV footage as it�s often not regularly checked which means that we can miss out on a lot of evidence.

"My initial reactions from watching the video is that this is probably explainable, but we would never say 100 per cent that it is not paranormal."

Source: Mirror UK

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Related : CCTV footage: Angry ghost pushes over stack of boxes (video)