Yet nothing can compare to supernatural activity. It just happens to be the case that several hotels frequented by NBA teams � most notably the Skirvin in Oklahoma City � are thought to be haunted. That includes the Claremont Resort in Berkeley, which some teams use when in town to face the Golden State Warriors in nearby Oakland. This weekend, the San Antonio Spurs were at the venue in advance of a road game. It appears that big men Tim Duncan and Jeff Ayres encountered some of the Claremont's ghosts.
Ayres: �You get in at whatever time. I took my room key. I could hear stuff in the hallway, like people in their rooms. So I�m thinking people are watching TV or whatever. So I get to my door, and my key doesn�t work, but it sounds like there�s somebody in my room. Like I hear a little baby, not crying but making noise. I�m like, �What the heck?� I keep trying my key and it doesn�t work. So I go downstairs to get a new key, and I tell them (somebody�s in the room).
Read Full Story: Yahoo Sports�So they call the room, and nobody answers. They�re like, �We can get you a new key and send you up with security and make sure nobody�s there, because there shouldn�t be anybody in there.� Then they�re like, �We�ll just get you a new room.� It was the creepiest thing. I heard a couple of other guys heard babies in the hallway, kids running down the hallway. Creepy. I really heard voices and a baby in the room, and there wasn�t anybody in there. It was crazy.�