John Burnside came out in goose bumps with he found the images of the child lurking in the background on his phone two years after they were taken.
They were taken two years ago � when he popped into York�s Castle Museum with partner Shona Backhouse and their son Johnthomas Burnside, then just 18 months' old.
John, 27, a labourer, of Wakefield, had no explanation for what had happened.
He had never seen the little girl before until he found his old memory card in the pocket of his pyjamas and transferred the contents onto his new phone.
He was sat next to Shona, 25, on the couch when they spotted the extra figure in the photos.
�When I phoned my mum she at first thought it might be a little girl that my sister lost but my dad spotted the girl in the picture was in Victorian dress.
�It�s enough to make you paranoid. It gives me goose bumps every time I think about it.
�It was pretty dead there to be honest all through the day. Anyway, it looks like you can see right through her.�
There have been claims in the past at Castle Museum is haunted.
A crew filming an episode of Derek Acorah's Ghost Towns programme in 2006 insisted they had heard shrill voices and seen ghostly children running around.
Read Full Story: York Press UK