Vikki Bramshaw says she only discovered the image of "the ghost" of St. Oliver Plunkett peering out of the prison door in Saint Peter�s Church in Drogheda, County Louth, when she viewed the video taken with her cell phone cam later on.
The glimpse of the face, which appears briefly a few times at the hatch of the 15th century cell door.
"I don't really believe in ghosts or anything like that, so I was a bit spooked out to see it when I was checking my video when I got home," Bramshaw told a local Irish newspaper.
"I visited Drogheda between March 10-17, and was taken around Newgrange and other tourist sites, and Saint Peter�s was just one of our stops," she says.
"I was just filming the cell door with my camera phone, and didn't notice anything unusual at the time, but when I checked it that night, I was definitely a bit spooked by what I saw."
The video shows what appears to be a face that appears at the small hatch in the door a number of times.
Read Full Story: Irish Central