The case was originally filed in 2006 by Larry Montz, a parapsychologist, and Daena Smoller, a publicist, who alleged they conceived the idea of a show about a team of paranormal investigators who go into haunted locations. The two claimed to have presented screenplays, videos and other materials to NBCU execs between 1996 and 2001.
In suing NBCU and Pilgrim over Ghost Hunters, Montz and Smoller looked to leverage a legal claim that's been trendy in the past decade. After first suing for copyright -- which is notoriously tough for plaintiffs because the law only protects expression and not ideas -- the two sued for breach of an implied contract, which essentially means that when something is submitted and accepted for review, there's an expectation that if the material is later used, the idea presenter will get something.
Hollywood studios have argued that writers are merely disguising their copyright claims as contract claims, but judges have given the green light to these lawsuits so long as plaintiffs can assert an "extra element," like a promise of payment.
Read Full Story: The Hollywood Reporter