The spooky image was recorded on the motion-activated webcam at Drum Castle, Aberdeenshire.
The National Trust for Scotland�s wildlife team set up cameras in the castle�s stables as part of a project to observe a nesting family of swallows this summer
But when checking the pictures captured overnight they discovered the mysterious image, described as a �strange mist�.
Since the webcam is motion-activated, something with a physical presence must have triggered the camera to take the picture but staff are certain the mist was not caused by a swallow or an insect.
Dr Alison Burke, the National Trust for Scotland�s Property Manager at Drum Castle said: �Everyone tells me that Drum Castle is a haunted place and that there are strange happenings here.
�I have to admit, when I checked the camera and found this image a cold shiver ran down my spine.�
The creepy photo is the latest in a line of spooky goings on at the castle, near Banchory.
The old stables where the mysterious mist was captured are regarded by staff and volunteers as having a fairly odd atmosphere.
At the stables and in the adjacent garden that people have reported hearing two women laughing together despite no-one being present.
Other strange occurrences include sightings of a female figure believed to be Anna Forbes, wife of the 20th laird. Heavy footsteps have also been heard in the stone-floored corridor.
Read Full Story: Edinburgh News