The snap was taken by
reporter James Fielding during a special sleepover arranged last weekend to mark the Tudor building�s 500th anniversary.
Nothing was visible at the time except four mannequins in Georgian dress but looking back on his iPhone later, James noticed a strange mist hovering just above the floor.
On closer inspection he made out what appears to be a faint outline of a small child in an old-fashioned white nursery gown.
Ghostly children in Tudor dress are said to be among the many apparitions who wander the Royal building at night while two youngsters who drowned in a lake reputedly haunt the grounds.
Perhaps Hampton Court�s most notorious phantom, however, is that of Henry VIII�s fifth wife, Catherine Howard, whose restless spirit is rumoured to run screaming along the aptly named Haunted Gallery.
James said: �I originally took the photo because I thought the mannequins and costumes looked creepy.
�As I looked at the image a little closer, though, I saw what appeared to be an outline of something near to one of the dresses, possibly a small child.
Read Full Story: Express UK