'Poltergeist' baffles Scotland Police officers after they witness paranormal activity

POLICE investigating reports of disturbances at a house were left stunned when they witnessed paranormal activity.

The officers witnessed clothes flying across a room, lights going off and when they went back on the lampshades were upside down and oven doors opening and closing.

Even a chihuahua dog which was playing in the garden was then discovered sitting on top of a seven-foot hedge.

The family who live at the property had called the police in a panic. They endured two days of the bizarre occurrences before moving out of the property in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire.

The situation has been discussed at high levels within Police Scotland, with senior officers perplexed as to how they best handle the incidents.

A police source said: �These were incidents that were witnessed by our own officers. Incidents that are not easily explained.

�One problem we�ve got is where we go from here as no crime has been established, so what else can we do but deal with any reports of disturbances.

�But officers with more than 20 years� service are saying they�ve never seen anything like this. It really is something that down-to-earth police officers are having trouble getting their heads round.

�How do you handle what, despite us liking to use the word, has been described as a poltergeist.�

Read Full Story: Daily Record UK

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Related : 'Poltergeist' baffles Scotland Police officers after they witness paranormal activity